I really took a wide turn from All Over but the Shoutin' when I chose my second book: Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty. I suppose they are about as opposite as two stories could be! Where All Over is all about poverty and a family who literally scratched the dirt for survival, Delta is about a family that is so spoiled and seems to have nothing much going on. The entire book is about a daughter's wedding and covers just a few days. As much as I like Eudora Welty and admire some of her work and photographs, I found the book a little lacking. The book is set in the 1920's but the people act as if it were the 1850's. I prefer a better story and I am going to go to Maggie's list and choose another. I have never read William Percy so I am thinking about that. I definitely want to read the two sequels to All Over but I am not going to count those towards this reading program.