I called my mom last night and we discussed my reading and my blogging. I can't wait to go visit her and help her set up a blog! I have thought a lot about her lately because if you were to ask me why I love to read, I would say to you that you must know my mother! Here she is with the 3rd generation of her children to sit and cuddle and read.
"You may have tangible wealth untold. / Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. / Richer than I you can never be – / I had a mother who read to me."
— Strickland Gillilan
I love the photo! She looks so happy to be entertaining, too. ;)
I'm very impressed with the quotes, style, and voice of your blog. Good Job!
Sig, your blog has inspired me to get started on 1/2 a dozen novels that have crept up on me this year as gifts from friends and family. The quote you used is too true! I spend way too much time in front of the tv -- crippling. I just forget how much I love a good read.
So this morning I'm reading a book my sister gave me for my 50th birthday. It's SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME.
Bear with me as I quote for you the funniest passage I've read in a long time. You know that when you are home alone and you are laughing outloud.
"We parked ourselves in the pews most Sundays, and definitely every Easter and Christmas, since in those days it was still the widely held opinion that only hell-bound heathens -- and possibly lawyers -- skipped church on Easter and Christmas." I love that!
THEN this -- "As it turned out, we had actually been labeled "lost," "nonbelieving," and "unsaved," possibly because we had no fish stickers on our cars. (Which reminds me of one friend who, though newly "born again," retained the bad habit of flipping off other drivers while barreling down the road in her Suburban. Even with her newfound religion, she couldn't control her middle finger, but according to her husband, the Holy Ghost prompted her to scrape the fish off her bumper until her finger got saved.)"
Isn't that rich? LOL
Thanks for inspiring me to get back to my books. It's such a blessing to be able to read!
I love the photo of your mom. I miss mine so much. She loved to read and loved to quilt, but Alzheimer's took both of those away from her. Enjoy your mom while you still have her.
I love your blog. It has been a joy to me to share so many wonderful books.
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